Its4Him Ministries was founded by Glen and Rosa Yeager, in 2014.

We were originaly sent from First Baptist Church in Flat Rock, Michigan in July of 2014. In June of 2016, at the Lord's direction moved to Highland Baptist Church in Concord, NC. and Finally in 2022 The Lord saw fit to move us to be part of Elliott Baptist Church in Elliott MS where were have ben provide all that we need for the ministry to continue growing. The Lord has provided me with many skills, including IT, and for nearly 25 years I have used them to earn my living in the secular world. However in 2014 God placed a calling on my heart to use these skills for Him and His works. I was called to preach in 2009, and was licensed in 2010. I then was called to become the assistant pastor of First Baptist Church of Flat Rock in 2011. In March of 2014, I earned my Associate degree in biblical studies and later that month was Ordained to the ministry. Rosa and I were married in November of 1985, and have 3 wonderful children and 7 beautiful granddaughters, and a grandson. We are excited to be in the service of our Lord Jesus, and look forward to what he has waiting for us.